Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I cannot be the only person shocked by being past the middle of September.  I am doing almost anything to keep from actually writing something. I had a really good idea for a new cast of characters and a new series - sort of. I am still working it through in my head. I don't know how it will come out. Not at all if I don't get something on paper.

Mary, Jamie and I are meeting today. Everything is going soooo slow for me. Not that I am a great big help at getting things done. Mary is busy at selling off her shop. Jamie is busy with little Evan, Darlene is busy recovering from a heart attack. I am sort of lost and alone and cannot find my direction.

Our Welcome to the World party is this week end. Official welcome of little Tucker into the world and the family. I hope we have a good time. I hope lots of folks come to eat hamburgers and hot dogs. I'll get back to you about this.

I am missing book signing opportunities. I haven't got the sweet potatoes dug at the garden yet. I am barely stumbling along.  Pray for me.   

Thursday, September 15, 2011


My next job is to learn how to deal with photos on the computer. I have not learned to do this yet. I need to know how it's done. I'm going to ask  my daughter in law to teach  me.  Seems like all the my kids kknow how to do this and I don't.

I am trying to put together a sheet for the writer's group and I can't adjust the size of the photos the way I want to. I just hate that.

The 2011 Summer Scribble contest is officially over. We had a little reception at the library board meeting, thanks to the library board.  All the winners showed up and that was really nice. Next year we are doing another book to sell and the picture Janet took of all of them will be the cover. This has turned out better than I imagined it would. This was our second year and we went from 17 entries the first year to almost 50 this year. Who knows what will happen next year. It feels good to encourage upcoming writers.

We are getting very close to sending our new book to the printer. Then we will have to get a book signing tour in operation. I like going out and seeing the ladies. Quilters really are cool people.  I'll also have to get busy working on the next book. I have ideas for two.  One about the girls during the Civil War and one about an encampment by Civil War re-inactors. I will have to get my rear end into the seat and actually start writing to get that done.

It's very cool this morning. I think fall has snuck up on us. I spent the night doing the night feedings at my daughter's house so she and her husband could get a full night's sleep.  Guess which two folks didn't get a full night's sleep --- grandma and the baby. He's such a sweet little thing and I don't even mind being awakened by him.

My son turned himself over to the Army today. He will be gone for most of a year - part of that time in Afghanistan.  His wife, his 9 week old son, and the rest of the family will miss him. We love him and we need him to be here. We are doing the best we can.

Monday, September 12, 2011

is that there are so many much easier things to do. I am finishing up my gardens.  Clearing them out and hopefully getting ready to be readier in the spring than I was this spring. I have only two more things I want to "put-up" this year. Apple butter, which my friend Patti is going to help me with, and Apple Jack which I have never done before.  Oh, I also have to dig sweet potatoes and onions.  My garden was better than last year but not spectacular yet. I am working on it.

My dear friend Darlene is out of the hospital and at her son's house recovering from the heart attack she had lastt week-end. Boy, I was afraid she was going to die, but she didn't thanks to The John McConnell Heart Hospital at Riverside. They truly saved her life and I am grateful.

My son is being deployed - eventually-to Afghanistan and he is leaving us this week.We all hate to see him go. Besides us, he is leaving a wife and seven week old baby here with us. We all will be fine and I will be glad when his deployment is over and he is home for good.

I couldn't watch all the 9-11 stuff on TV during the week end., I couldn't believe it when I saw it the first time. I am not yet ready to see it again. My son said he wanted to watch as  much of it as he could so it would all be fresh in his mind when he gets where he is going. The world is a strange and dicey place. My daughter and I are going to change  our eating habits while he is gone. We have a year to do it.

I will get serious about the writing when I get my head above the water that seems to be gaining on me.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Both babies are born.  You have no idea how hard this is on the grandmother. Boith are perfect and beautiful. Evan Thomas Hannon and Tucker Allen Chaffin.  I am having trouble getting the names right.  The babies may have to learn to answer to either. They are perfect and wonderful and I love them both.

Kyleigh is five and has started to kindergarten. Oh she is a sweetheart and got a yellow mark already ( this is not good) Green is good. I asked her what she did and I could have guessed without one hint. Talking during rest time. I know that has always been against school rules, but she doesn't.

So I'm wrapping up the gardens.  We had a bumper squash crop and a half bushel of potatoes. Boy, are they good. This is our biggest potato crop so far. I am very pleased.  We haven't dug the sweet potatoes yet. That will be on the next trip to the farm.

My fiftieth class reunion was this summer. I had a great time. Some folks who have not showed up in the past came to this one. There must be something magic about the fiftieth. I seriously wonder where the time has gone.A blink of time has passed.  It is shocking. It is stunning. Pay attention and try tending to every minute. It gets away fast.

We have passed the one year anniversary of my husband's death. It has been much harder than I ever imgined it would be. It got worse the closer we got to the actual day he passed. I relived the past year and what was happening each day that time last year.

Seems like I have been behind all year and I'm hoping to catch up this next year. Wish me luck.

This blog is supposed to be abut the reading and writing that goes on in my life. Other stuff, too, but I'm trying to chronicle the experiences I have as I try writing things that  matter to me. I have decided not to publish BUYING THE FARM AND WHEN DUTY CALLS for sale.  I took them to Staples today to have copies made just for the family. We will take them to the farm and have them as part of our family history.

TIMELESS STAR is nearly ready to go to the printer. That will be a big day.  It is the second quilting novel and I think people are going to like it.  We have had some problems getting it to press but it really is coming soon.  We will be setting up signings at guild meeting around central Ohio like we did with Guild in the Granary.  We also have a new web site www:// where you can order the books that we have available for your reading pleasure.

I will try very hard to get back to you next week.  Stay tuned.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Coming Back ....Again

Where does the time go? I'm trying again to get back to the blog.  The sun is finally shining in the Midwest. T
he storms have been dreadful this week. My thoughts and prayers go out to the folks who have lost so  much.

I am getting ready to welcom two little grand babies. Oh, how wonderful this is. I can hardly wait to get my hands on the little fellows. That is what we are doing this summer.  Having grandbabies. Both little boys:
One to be born in July and one in August. Joyful, joyful!!!

Some writing going on here. I'm trying to adjust my posts and format as I am associated with a new publishing company called Double D Press. I can't seem to get this done. It's been so long I forget how to do it. I will have weekly ( I hope) posts for you about how things are going. You do not want all the gory details of the change. . . trust me. But we are getting ready to move forward under new management. We'll see how it goes.

havingfunwithoutyou... McDiggs Publishing: Here I am again!

havingfunwithoutyou... McDiggs Publishing: Here I am again!