Saturday, October 17, 2009

We had a Book Signing in Portsmouth, Ohio

Monday we traveled to Portsmouth, Ohio for a booksigning. It was a beautiful day. Mary drove her new car. I am a very nervous rider and Mary has a tendency to be very casual about her speed and looking where she is going. It worked out okay. She was very considerate of me. We made it there and home safely. This is always a great concern to me when we go out into the world.

First we went to Lil's Quilt Shop where we sold twelve books. I met a wonderful children's writer who came into get an autographed copy of our book. Her name is Pollyanna and she writes children's books. Don;t you love it? I did and her, too. We were at Lil's for two hours. I bought fabric and a set of 600 thread count sheets for $24.99. What a deal and I just started thinking I needed some new sheets. The staff was wonderful and helpful. We made some samples they are going to display and offer their customers. It's a darling shop.

We had supper at a micro brewery in town. I bought beer to bring home but we didn't drink because we still had a program to do at The Down by the River Guild. Food was good and I know the beer would have been, too, if we hadn't been on a sober journey.

We decided quilters are the nicest people. Every where we go they welcome us and are so pleasant to us. We did our little talk about the Guild in the Granary and how we came to write it. Jan brought her rat. You have to read the book to understand that. It is available on McDiggs Publishing website. We got to see a wonderful Boy Scout quilt made for scouts to raise money and we sold a bunch more books. I think total for the day was twenty-seven books. We are happy with that and know we are not Jonathon Kellerman.

We also learned that the lady ( I can't remember her name) who started quilt barns in Adams County, Ohio, to honor her mother,  is ill. I was so sorry to hear that as I enjoy the barns all over the State of Ohio. There are people doing good things every where but it is the others who make the evening news. Doesn't seem quite right does it.

We met at Always in Stitches on Wednesday to hash out some concerns with our second book. We had to go back to the drawing board and beef up our suspect list. Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite, but I think you are going to like it when we get finished. I am trying to figure out this blogging business. Bear with me. Diana!

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