Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day

March 17, 2013

I have to be the worst blogger in the history of the Internet, but I am persistant and I'm back again.

April 4, 2012 my son was killed in Afghanistan by a twelve year old suicide bomber. It has been devastating to the entire family to lose him. We are trying to move on but it is very hard. We miss him. He left a wonderful wife and a (now) nineteen month old son behind. War is indeed Hell.

Life does go on and we are trying to move along with it, keeping him in our hearts each day.

Writing and my family have helped me survive this loss. I have a wonderful, new grand daughter who is eleven weeks old. Her parents have named her Shawnessy in memory of her uncle. She is a joy and so are the rest of my grand children. God loves them and so do I.

So... Timeless Star, our second quilting novel will be going to the printer in the next couple of weeks. Jamie, my daughter-in-law and I have finally gotten it together to put the ISBN number and the bar code on the cover.

You are going to love this book. It is a mystery featuring the Quild in the Granary ladies and a few nes folks. Agnes and one of the young shop girls go to a two week quilt retreat where bad guys wreak havoc and generally mess up the weeks for the retreat-goers. Again somebody dies. I think ervery mystery should have a body. Don't you?

Mary Clark, our partner in Crime, has been sick for months after a routine gall bladder surgery became un-routine. Her intestinal track was accidently damaged and she has been healing for months. We have called a meeting to get all of us back into the saddle again.

The next quilting novel is going to involve Civil War re-enactors so I'm planning to spend some time this summer hanging out with them - re-enacters I mean to learn the lingo, etc. I'm looking forward to this and I can promise you there will be a body in the story. Beyond that who knows. Writiing is all about spinning straw iinto gold.  We will all have to stay tuned to see what CAroline and the ladies from the guild get into this time.

Our writer's Group is growing like crazy and we will soon be starting our fourth Summer Scribbles writing contest for middle and high school writers. You can see the details on the Writing Group web site so aptly handled by Liz Thompson. The address is . Check it out.

I am trying to get organized and move on with my life and my writing. It has been a long winter and I like most peoppleiin central Ohio am looking forward to spring. I have onion sets ready to go into the garden and lots and lots of work to be done in the yard. Ye Gods!

My goal will be to blog every Sunday and see where that takes us. Cross your fingers for me.

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