Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Here I am again!

It's been a big week. There is more to writing than writing. My friend Darlene and I went to a book signing at the South Lebanon Quilt Show on Friday. Oh my God was it hot and humid. It was a wonderful show with the life quilting works of                  .  We were privileged to  meet her when she came into the show. She is delightful and 80 years old. A very beautiful woman.
     We sold some books and met some wonderful people.  We met Peggy Logue who was also selling her book called Skin in The Game which is about the year her nineteen year old soon spent in Iraq as a US Marine.  I am particularly interested in this becasue my son and I are collaborating on a book about the year he spent in Kuwait and Iraq.

     I am also very excited to have received a review of Glory from the Midwest Book Review.  I am including it here so you can see what a complete stranger had to say about the book. I am very excited that they liked it. You can find it at if you don't want to read it here.

Glory Pruitt has just spent two months holed up after her husband died
of a heart attack. In another woman's bed. That is the first of several
shocks she is about to receive. The roughly 2.5 million in assets from
their business have disappeared, and her husband has been sending
flowers to a number of women in town. Camden, Ohio is a town full of
pedigrees, and its insulation begets snobbery that Glory doesn't really
understand. But the shadows are full of menace, and it is up to Glory to
put it all together:

I I .
"My front door was unlocked when I arrived home. I couldn't remember
ifl'd locked it before I left for Studs Unlimited or not. It seemed like I'd
left days ago and anything was possible. I pushed it open and stepped
'Anybody here?' I called out.
My voice echoed in the stillness. For a moment I stood quietly, listening
for an answer. The silence in the house was heavy, artificial. The
drawers of my desk were open and papers were strewn across its top. I
knew I hadn't left it that way. I fingered through the papers and saw the
mail was still there where I'd left it and felt a shiver crawl up my back. I
didn't know if it was seeing the envelope from my mother's lawyer or
something else. I wondered if Kate might have stopped by to have
another look at the desk."

Forrester's talent is that she sets up scenes guaranteed to make the reader
want to scream out at Glory to be careful. Glory's character is someone
who has been sheltered her entire life and suddenly has to function on
her own in the midst of an evil presence determined to bring her down.
Forrester carefully paces the story so that Glory has to either adjust or
literally die, which makes for a hair-raising spine tingler of a mystery,
and one that the reader simply can't put down. GLORY is a winner.

Shelley Glodowski
Senior Reviewer

     Isn't that nice? Don't you just love it? I do.

     We have a book signing in  Port Clinton, Ohio on June 23 and a signing at the Logan Antigue Mall on June 26 from 1-3.  Quuilters are busy here in Columbus this week at the NQA show. I am not going to make it down. My family is taking first priority at the moment. My husband is very ill.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the post. Happy you are hanging in with the blogging. It gets easier as time goes on.
    Blessings to you and to Bill. HOpe he is at least able to keep the pain under control.
    Love ya, B
