Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Two weeks in a Row

I'm very proud. I got a picture put up all by myself.  This is my grandaughter and her dog, Gus at our farm. I made the dress and hat. I love this child in a way even I cannot believe.

The point of this blog is to tell you about my writing experiences but I haven't had any this week so I will talk about something else. My husband has a stage 4 gastric cancer. The entire family has been dealing witih this almost two years now and we are getting to a harder part. It takes all our energy some days. I think Bill (my husband) is depressed. He doesn't feel good, that is for sure. He has lost his appetite and had two embolisms in his lung last week. so now he is on blood thinners and the dosage is not yet adjusted. This morning he had a bloody nose. It did stop but his INR is too high and needs to come down.

He is not the best patient in the world and I am not the best caregiver. We have fun around here. I had him eat advacado which he does not like this morning. That will help with his vitamin K intake. I told him to think of it as  medicine. I have to call the Zangmeister Center and find out what they think we should do.  A lot of  my time is spent in this sort of activity, so no writing gets done. Bear with me.

I am going to a book signing on Friday in South Lebanon, Ohio. This will be interesting to me as it is my first experience as a vender at a quilt show. Hopefully we will sell some books. I still have a lot of them in the garage. I will let you know how it goes next week.

I am still thinking about the civil war book I want to write next. My main characters are named Ivy and Esther. They are ten and fourteen. Esther is ill, gravely ill, as a matter of fact. Her father is a doctor and he suffers over not being able to help her. The year is 1862 and the Civil War is raging down south and threatens to spill over into Ohio where Esther and Ivy live. See, it sounds interesting, don't you think? I have to schedule some time to work on it. I want to begin to find out what's really going on. That is the  main reason I write. It is the only way I can find out what the story is.

Check back next week and see how things are going. I'm relly pleased I got a picture up all by myself.

1 comment:

  1. Diana - I am impressed. I cannot do the picture thing. I'm pathetic. Maybe you can teach me! The picture is adorable. That child is beautiful esp in the hat. I think little girls should wear more dresses and hats. (Jill thinks I'm insane though Mackenzie did get a dress and the works for easter and they went to church - which was much more than I expected.) I love the pic. I'm sorry Bill is not doing so good. It's hard work being a caregiver. Almost harder than being the patient. I know. Praying for you to have energy to cope and hope Bill's spirits lift. Take care. Blessings. B
