Monday, March 25, 2013

All about change . . .

March 25, 2013

Not the kind of change you carry around in your purse, but the kind that occurs in your head.
I have decided Ivy and Esther needs to be an addendum to Timeless Star. I don't think I've ever seen a novel with an addendum, but I don't think there is any rule against it. So . . . we are going to do it.

Jamie has to format the story and make a few corrections in the first (already formatted) section of Timeless Star, then we will send it to the printer. Oh happy day!

We have been at this off and on for four years. It is time to be done with it and get it out there where people can read it. I'm excited about that.

I've found a man who is willing to take me with him to some re-enactor week ends so I can find out what goes on behind the scenes and in front of the scenes before I start to write. I hope to be ready to write when the fall comes around again but I plan to enjoy summer in the mean time. I have such big plans for my gaarden and swimming and time at Dickie's lake and the farm. I don't want to let the summer get away from me again.

I also have a book abut the loss of my son that I have been working on all year. Haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with it. But I am thinking about it and will decide soon. I might try getting it pulished or I might just have it printed up for the family. I'm thinking about it. I'm thinking about it.

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