Thursday, September 15, 2011


My next job is to learn how to deal with photos on the computer. I have not learned to do this yet. I need to know how it's done. I'm going to ask  my daughter in law to teach  me.  Seems like all the my kids kknow how to do this and I don't.

I am trying to put together a sheet for the writer's group and I can't adjust the size of the photos the way I want to. I just hate that.

The 2011 Summer Scribble contest is officially over. We had a little reception at the library board meeting, thanks to the library board.  All the winners showed up and that was really nice. Next year we are doing another book to sell and the picture Janet took of all of them will be the cover. This has turned out better than I imagined it would. This was our second year and we went from 17 entries the first year to almost 50 this year. Who knows what will happen next year. It feels good to encourage upcoming writers.

We are getting very close to sending our new book to the printer. Then we will have to get a book signing tour in operation. I like going out and seeing the ladies. Quilters really are cool people.  I'll also have to get busy working on the next book. I have ideas for two.  One about the girls during the Civil War and one about an encampment by Civil War re-inactors. I will have to get my rear end into the seat and actually start writing to get that done.

It's very cool this morning. I think fall has snuck up on us. I spent the night doing the night feedings at my daughter's house so she and her husband could get a full night's sleep.  Guess which two folks didn't get a full night's sleep --- grandma and the baby. He's such a sweet little thing and I don't even mind being awakened by him.

My son turned himself over to the Army today. He will be gone for most of a year - part of that time in Afghanistan.  His wife, his 9 week old son, and the rest of the family will miss him. We love him and we need him to be here. We are doing the best we can.

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